Global Partners

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations...


SHELTERING WINGs - west africa

"It matters to the ONE"

In 2004, I had my first experience in West Africa; volunteering with Ruth Cox. My heart was captured by the people! After many years and many visits, in 2016 I was honored to officially join the Sheltering Wings family working with agriculture and food insecurity. In 2017, my focus shifted from agriculture to one small baby named Wendpouiré Ouedraogo. He was one of the children at the orphanage that I was working at- very sick and dying. He needed one-on-one care. I became his caretaker and momma for the next 10 months. In February of 2018, he left this world to be with Jesus. This little one showed me the need for advocacy for sick and terminally ill children. The Wendpouiré Project was born!

We love supporting children with special needs and their families! We are not only committed to helping alleviate the massive medical burden from these families, but the Wendpouiré Project also endeavors to lift their emotional and societal burden. Many in these communities believe these children to be a mistake or even a curse upon the family. We believe them to be a gift- created and loved by God. We hope that the Wendpouiré Project will not only transform lives, but also bring hope where it was once lost. While neither are easy or quick tasks, I know that “it matters to the ONE”.

Ways you can Pray for Becky:

Wisdom to navigate each child’s special medical needs. Safety and a supernatural protection for myself and the community that I serve. We need wisdom and sensitivity each and everyday- navigating medical needs for children and supporting their parents and an intense security situation in the country that I serve. Financial support and new donors. As we are meeting practical needs, that each person we encounter would experience the undeniable love of Jesus!

Ways you can Partner:

Practically - Doctors or nurses via telehealth to help us with diagnosis and treatment. Donation of therapy or medical supplies. 


Wycliffe Bible Translators/the Summer Institute of Linguistics - Papua New Guinea

We married believing strongly that God wanted us to help a group of people who didn't yet have access to God's word in the language that communicates to them best. We joined Wycliffe to do so. Specifically we felt led to go to a group who as yet had no written form of their language. Papua New Guinea has over 840 languages, so it was not surprising that God led us there! In 1988 with our 16-month-old Lydia, we movie to Gaulim village, started learning the Ura language and helped the people establish an alphabet and begin vernacular preschools for their children in the language. Aaron (our son) arrived a year later. Thirty four years later, the printed and audio Ura New Testament is finished and many literacy materials have been produced. We anticipate continuing on with the Uramät Bainings (but now working remotely from the US) to promote activities that will continue to encourage literacy, scripture use and documentation of the Ura language in a lasting accessible form.

Ways you can Pray for the Rosensteel's:

That the audio Ura New Testament will be processed in a timely manner and be available for distribution in 2023. It is a multi voice version produced by Faith Comes By Hearing. It is our prayer that the distribution team will be able to not only show the people how to use the MegaVoice solar players and SD cards to listen to God's word in the 7 UB villages, but will also be able to offer some practical ways in using their printed Ura New Testament in church and family fellowships as well. As well as prayer for new believers to grow and mature in their faith. Pray for an increase in understanding in PNG about teaching children to reach in their vernacular first before learning in a second language.

Ways you can Partner:

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sheltering wings/newfrontiers - turkish muslims & Turkish speaking romani & Pomak Muslims living in Northeast greece/southern bulgaria

I lived and ministered in Turkey from 1997-2019. During that time my primary ministry was as a pastor with Lighthouse Church in the city of Izmir for 14 years. In 2019, the Turkish government began banning and deporting many foreign Christian workers in Turkey, including me. Since September, 2022, I have been living in Komotini, Greece. This region of northeast Greece and southern Bulgaria is home to an estimated 117,000 Muslims. There has been very little Gospel outreach focused on these people, and since most of them are Turks or Turkish speaking minority ethnic groups, my heart was drawn to this area. My vision is to see Muslims come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to see them develop as mature disciples, and then to ultimately see new churches being planted.

Ways you can pray for Matt:

This is a very different from the life I knew in Izmir, Turkey. I don't speak Greek. I don't have a team. I hardly know anyone. Life can be quite lonely at times. The Lord, however is always with me. Please pray from spiritual breakthrough, and for the grace of God to work through me in the ministry of the Gospel. Many Greeks, especially young adults, speak English well enough that we can freely converse. So, there are potential ministry opportunities among Greeks as well. I will need to learn at least a basic level of the Greek language, though. I tend to be conspicuously odd to the locals - a single American, who speaks Turkish, moving to an obscure place in Greece, where most of the people are either Orthodox Greeks or Muslims. Why in the world am I here? May the Lord use my conspicuousness to provide opportunities for sharing the Gospel.

Ways you can Partner:

God's grace works in my life through the prayers of people like you. This is vital to my ministry. This is a faith-based ministry, which means that my financial support comes from the generous donations of friends and churches. If God puts it on your heart to support me financially, either with a one-time gift or with a monthly donation, please go to this link:

If you would like to receive my newsletters, feel free to reach out to Southgate Church at, and they will connect us.